Eduardo Martinez-Leyva

The Simple Hour


You left to be with the horses,

high-necked but bruised as midnight.


I counted every muscle on you, at least

when dreaming. In youth you were mistaken


for a mule, body lurching away

from excellence. You could have been


the herd’s head, the strongest bite

to bare the fields. I wanted more


for you. Come shape my stupidity again

as if there were feed enough


to keep you. Be like the moon,

serving her peasants the palest gold.

Eduardo Martinez-Leyva's poems have appeared in Assaracus, Apogee Journal, and Nepantla: A Journal for Queer Poets of Color. He received his MFA from Columbia University, where he was a teaching fellow. He grew up in El Paso, Texas and currently lives in New York City.