!100! —FOB Cobra
!10! Wolfey’s head inside
his duffel. !50! He’s looking
for headphones. It’s hell,
I’d said, hearing
that Pantera-sounding-shit
!10! blast from your laptop speakers. His head’s
in that duffel still when
!10! we hear the air
outside swallow
itself. !50! & the explosion, the
boom: my stomach
pumped quick
!10! with one quick
!10! Get down, he whispers as if
it matters.
!10! We get down
like dogs because the sandbags
we’d stacked outside,
!10! half-assed,
are five-feet high. !50! & then
we hug the floor.
!10! From here, I see
a mound of baby powder left
where Lemon likes to stand
& shake too much
!10! on his crotch.
With our rifles we run
from the tent, heads down,
!10! my hand on Wolfey’s back
!10! in the desert night so dark
I can’t see his lunging shape.
!10! Gathered against
Hesco walls of dirt,
our platoon crouches,
silent, listening for the next noise metal
!50! in the sky will make.
!10! I turn the switch—the Nods
click. !50! Now I see:
my platoon’s collage
!50! of camouflaged bodies:
!10! wedged against
It is just
!50! our first. We wait.
shuts up. Everyone
!10! holds still.
Some men hold on to the gravel.