Sarah Cedeño’s work is forthcoming or has appeared in 2 Bridges, The Pinch, The Baltimore Review, New World Writing, The Rumpus, Hippocampus Magazine, Bellevue Literary Review, and elsewhere. Sarah is the Editorial Director of the national literary magazine Clockhouse and holds an MFA from Goddard College in Vermont. She lives in Brockport, NY with her husband and two sons, and teaches writing at the College at Brockport.
Joy Grace Chen is an MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at The Ohio State University. She is an associate poetry editor for The Journal and has previously served in editorial capacities with Measure Press and The Evansville Review.
Rachel Custer‘s first full-length collection, The Temple She Became, is available from Five Oaks Press. Other work has previously been published or is forthcoming in Rattle, The American Journal of Poetry, B O D Y, DIALOGIST, and The Penn Review.
Aran Donovan lives in New Orleans. Her poetry has recently appeared in Hobart, Juked, Barnstorm Journal and is forthcoming in Permafrost and The Common. She tweets sporadically @barelymarigny.
Quinn Forlini holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of Virginia and a BA in English from Ursinus College. Her work has previously appeared in The Fourth River and The Broken City. She lives in Baltimore.
Knar Gavin attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Pennsylvania. Knar’s work appears or is forthcoming in Storm Cellar, Poetry, Foundry, Yemassee, Pouch and elsewhere. Tumbles can be found at
Daniel Matthew Huppman lives in the hilly part of Philadelphia, where he spends an abnormal amount of time thinking about crystal doorknobs. This is his first publication.
Annie Kantar’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, as well as The Adirondack Review, The American Literary Review, Barrow Street, Birmingham Review, Cincinnati Review, Drunken Boat, Entropy, Literary Imagination, Poetry International, Poet Lore, Rattle, Tikkun, and elsewhere. Her translation from the Hebrew of With This Night, the final collection of poetry that Leah Goldberg published during her lifetime, was published by University of Texas Press (2011), and was shortlisted for the ALTA Translation Prize. She directs the English Program at Shalem College in Jerusalem.
Patrick Kindig is currently a PhD candidate in Indiana University’s Department of English. He is the author of the micro-chapbook Dry Spell (Porkbelly Press 2016), and his poems have recently appeared in Meridian, Third Coast, Columbia Poetry Review, Muzzle, and other journals.
Emily Koehn’s poems are forthcoming or have recently appeared in Fence, Crazyhorse, Cincinnati Review, Vinyl, Painted Bride Quarterly, and elsewhere. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, where she works as a site coordinator for Poetry Inside Out, a poetry and translation program in the public schools.
Julia Koets’ poetry collection, Hold Like Owls, won the 2011 South Carolina Poetry Book Prize and was published by the University of South Carolina Press, and her memoir-in-essays, The Rib Joint, won the 2017 Red Hen Press Nonfiction Award and will be published by Red Hen Press. Her poems and nonfiction essays have been published in literary journals including Indiana Review, The Los Angeles Review, Carolina Quarterly, and Portland Review. She has an MFA in poetry from the University of South Carolina and a PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati.
Karl Lorenzen is a professional artist who exhibits and teaches at cultural, educational, health, and holistic learning centers in New York City. He was a faculty member of the New York Open Center and Anthroposophy NYC, and he is a teaching Artist in Residence at the Omega Institute, NY. In 2016 and 2017, he received a SU-CASA Award/Residency, sponsored by the Queens Council on the Arts/New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Jennie Malboeuf is a native of Kentucky. Her poems are found in the Virginia Quarterly Review, FIELD, Oxford Poetry (UK), The Hollins Critic, AGNI, Epoch, The Collagist, Image, New American Writing, Poetry Northwest, and Best New Poets. She teaches writing at Guilford College in North Carolina.
Becka Mara McKay directs the Creative Writing MFA at Florida Atlantic University. Her chapbook of prose poems, Happiness Is the New Bedtime, was published in 2016 by Slash Pine Press. Other publications include a book of poetry, A Meteorologist in the Promised Land (Shearsman), and several translations of fiction and poetry from Modern Hebrew. Her work can be found in recent issues of Colorado Review, Cream City Review, Forklift Ohio, Interim, Iron Horse Literary Review, Ninth Letter, and Ploughshares.
Peter Mason is a queer poet from Rochester, NY. He received a BA in English from SUNY Fredonia and is currently an MFA candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Arkansas. His poetry has appeared in Epiphany: A Literary Journal, Muzzle Magazine, Vinyl Poetry & Prose, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Red Paint Hill, and elsewhere. He is a co-founder and poetry editor of |tap| lit mag, an assistant poetry editor of The Arkansas International, and a co-curator of the Open Mouth Reading Series.
Louise Mathias is the author of two books of poems, Lark Apprentice (New Issues Press) and The Traps (Four Way Books). She lives in Joshua Tree, California.
Alicia Mountain’s first collection, High Ground Coward, won the Iowa Poetry Prize and will be published by the University of Iowa in 2018. She is also the author of the digital chapbook Thin Fire, from BOAAT Press. Mountain is a queer poet, a PhD candidate at the University of Denver, and an assistant editor of the Denver Quarterly. She earned her MFA in poetry at the University of Montana. Keep up with her at and @HiGroundCoward.
Nazli S. Pearl is a Muslim-American from the deep south. Her work was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the Fairy Tale Review. She now lives in California.
Lizzy Petersen is a St. Louis native. Her poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming from Apalachee Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, FifthWednesdayPlus, The Journal, New South, and RHINO. Her poetry reviews have appeared in Coldfront, Poetry Magazine’s Harriet Blog, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Previously, she served as poetry co-editor of Sycamore Review at Purdue University, where she received her MFA in poetry, as well as the managing editor and later grants and outreach manager at River Styx Magazine. Currently, she works for a non-profit and volunteers at a high school in St. Louis Public Schools facilitating a student-run online literary magazine.
Jacob Sunderlin is a writer and musician who has received support from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and the Djerassi Resident Artists Program. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Narrative, Ploughshares, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. His records Death Ranch and Hymnal are available.
James A.H. White is a gay, first-generation Japanese-British U.S. immigrant currently living and working in South Florida. Author of the chapbook hiku [pull] (Porkbelly Press, 2016) and winner of an AWP Intro Journals Project award for poetry (selected by Iris Jamahl Dunkle), his writing appears in Best New British & Irish Poets 2018 (selected by Maggie Smith), Black Warrior Review, Colorado Review, Quarterly West, and Washington Square Review, among other journals. Twitter: @jamesahwhite.
Kit Zauhar is a writer, filmmaker, and sometimes actress living in New York and Philadelphia. Her work deals with female sexuality, the dissection of anxiety, the minutiae of human interactions, and the process of becoming in a post-digital landscape. You can find out more about her work and life at