Katie Berta lives in Phoenix, Arizona where she works as the Supervising Editor of Hayden’s Ferry Review. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, The Kenyon Review Online, Blackbird, Sixth Finch, The Offing, Indiana Review, Salt Hill, and Washington Square Review, among other journals. You can find her book reviews on the Ploughshares blog. She has received fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center and the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. She has her PhD in poetry from Ohio University and her MFA from Arizona State.
John Byrne is a queer writer from Nebraska, currently living in Charleston, South Carolina, where he received his MFA in poetry at the College of Charleston. His work is published or forthcoming in Roanoke Review, Pamplemousse, Blood Orange Review, and Quarter After Eight. He can be found on Twitter @byrninlove.
Caylin Capra-Thomas‘s second chapbook, Inside My Electric City, is available from YesYes books. She has been awarded fellowships and residencies from the Vermont Studio Center and the Studios of Key West, and her poems have appeared in journals including New England Review, Crazyhorse, Colorado Review, Copper Nickel, 32 Poems, and elsewhere. She lives in Idyllwild, California, where she is poet-in-residence at Idyllwild Arts Academy.
Kyle Carrero Lopez is a Black Cuban-American poet born and raised in North Jersey. He is the recipient of a Goldwater Fellowship and a Global Research Initiative Fellowship to Berlin, both from NYU, where he is an MFA Candidate in poetry. His poems are published or forthcoming in The Cincinnati Review, Poetry, The Florida Review, The BreakBeat Poets Volume IV: LatiNEXT (Haymarket Books, 2020), and elsewhere. Find him @kylelop3z.
Robin Rosen Chang‘s poetry has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Cream City Review, North American Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and others. She was the recipient of the Oregon Poetry Association’s Fall 2018 Poet’s Choice Award and an honorable mention for Spoon River Poetry Review’s 2019 Editor’s Prize. She has an MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.
Yongyu Chen is a student at Cornell University. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Indiana Review, jubilat, New Delta Review, and West Branch, among other journals. He was born in Beijing, China and grew up in Tennessee.
Hedgie Choi is a Michener Fellow at UT Austin. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Iowa Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Washington Square Review, and West Branch.
Adam Clay‘s most recent book is To Make Room for the Sea (Milkweed Editions, 2020). He teaches at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Joshua Clayton is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Cambridge. Poems of his have appeared in, among other places, Gigantic Sequins, Barren Magazine, The Cardiff Review, and semicolon.
Louise Ling Edwards is a writer from St. Paul, Minnesota currently pursuing her MFA in creative writing at The Ohio State University. She received her B.A. from Oberlin College and has taught English classes at Shanxi Agricultural University in China and at Ohio State.
Emily Franklin’s work has been published or is forthcoming in the New York Times, The Cincinnati Review, New Ohio Review, Blackbird, The Rumpus, DIAGRAM, Mississippi Review, Lunch Ticket, Passages North, North Dakota Review, Monkeybicycle, Juked, and The Chattahoochee Review among other places as well as featured on National Public Radio, and named notable by the Association of Jewish Libraries.
Samantha Leigh Futhey holds an MFA from the Creative Writing and Environment program at Iowa State University and currently works at the Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs, CO. Her poetry is published in Crab Orchard Review, Mid-American Review, Poet Lore, and Cimarron Review, among others.
Carlos Andrés Gómez is a Colombian American poet and the author of Hijito (Platypus Press, 2019), winner of the 2018 Broken River Prize. Winner of the Atlanta Review International Poetry Prize and the Sandy Crimmins National Prize for Poetry, Gómez’s writing has been published in New England Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, CHORUS: A Literary Mixtape (Simon & Schuster, 2012), and elsewhere. For more: www.CarlosLive.com Twitter/Instagram: @CarlosAGLive
Cameron Gorman is pursuing an MFA in poetry at The Ohio State University, and holds a B.S. in journalism from Kent State University. Cameron is currently an associate poetry editor for The Journal and an editorial intern for New American Press.
Derek Graf’s poems have been featured or are forthcoming in Portland Review, The Boiler, Salt Hill, Passages North, and elsewhere. He is currently a PhD student in creative writing at the University of Kansas, and he completed his MFA at Oklahoma State University. He recently joined the Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City as one of their 2019-2020 Studio Residents.
Ian Hall was born and reared in Eastern Kentucky. He has an MFA in poetry from the University of Tennessee, where he served as assistant poetry editor for Grist: a Journal of the Literary Arts. He has published poetry and fiction in Narrative, Kentucky Monthly Magazine, The Arkansas Review, The Louisville Review, and Painted Bride Quarterly, among others.
L. A. Johnson is from California. She is the author of the chapbook Little Climates (Bull City Press, 2017). She is currently pursuing her PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Southern California, where she is a Provost’s Fellow. Her poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, TriQuarterly, and other journals. Find her online at http://www.la-johnson.com.
Tatiana M.R. Johnson (she/her/hers) is a writer, artist and educator in the Boston area. She’s an MFA candidate in poetry at Emerson College and works as poetry editor for the literary journal Redivider. She was the 2018 Gish Jen fellow for the Writer’s Room of Boston and is a 2017 Pushcart Prize XLI nominee. Her writing explores identity, trauma, especially inherited trauma and what it means to heal. Tatiana’s writing is forthcoming in Transition Magazine and Aesthetica Magazine. She’s recently been published in Southern Humanities Review as an Honorable Mention selection for the 2019 Auburn Witness Poetry Prize, judged by Vievee Francis. Her work is on display at Boston’s City Hall as a part of the 2019 Mayor’s Poetry Program and has also been published in Santa Clara Review, Fog Machine, Maps for Teeth Magazine among others. She has also performed at the Boston Poetry Slam and the Bowery Poetry Club. Her chapbook for the love of black girls was published in July 2017.
Josie Kochendorfer is an essayist living in Columbus, Ohio. She serves as the online editor for The Journal.
Kathleen McGookey’s fourth book, Instructions for My Imposter, is now out from Press 53. Her work has appeared in Copper Nickel, Crazyhorse, December, Field, Glassworks, Miramar, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Quiddity, and Sweet. She has received grants from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Sustainable Arts Foundation.
Caits Meissner is the author of the illustrated hybrid poetry book Let It Die Hungry (The Operating System, 2016). Her latest projects include the DIY comix poetry zine Pep Talks For Broke(n) People and a comix vignette series, New York Strange, publishing monthly in Hobart journal throughout 2020. She currently is the inaugural Palette Poetry 2nd Book Fellow and spends her days as the Prison and Justice Writing Program Director at PEN America.
Kathryn Merwin is a writer based in Baltimore. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hayden’s Ferry, Passages North, New Ohio, Hobart, Sugar House Review, Prairie Schooner, and Blackbird. She has read and/or reviewed for the Bellingham Review, WomenArts Quarterly, and the Adroit Journal, and received her MFA in poetry from Western Washington University. Her first collection, Womanskin, is forthcoming from CutBank Books. Connect with her at www.kathrynmerwin.com.
Susan Milchman‘s poems have appeared in Stirring, Sweet Tree Review, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, bramble & thorn (an anthology from Porkbelly Press, 2017), Rogue Agent, Rust+Moth, and elsewhere. She was a Best of the Net nominee in 2018 and is working on her first poetry collection. Susan lives in Minneapolis by way of Washington, D.C. and holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Maryland. Find her online at susanmilchman.com or on Instagram @susan.milchman
Brenda Miller teaches in the creative writing program at Western Washington University. Her latest collection of essays is An Earlier Life (Ovenbird Books, 2016), winner of the Washington State Book Award for 2017. She co-authored Tell it Slant: Writing, Refining, and Publishing Creative Nonfiction, now in its 3rd Edition from McGraw Hill. Julie Marie Wade teaches in the creative writing program at Florida International University. Her most recent collections are Just an Ordinary Woman Breathing (Ohio State University Press, 2020) and Same-Sexy Marriage: A Novella in Poems (A Midsummer Night’s Press, 2018). Miller’s and Wade’s collaborative essays have appeared in River Teeth, Tupelo Quarterly, Creative Nonfiction, The Kenyon Review, The Normal School, and in three recent anthologies of contemporary collaborative work. Their first co-authored collection, Telephone: Essays in Two Voices, won the 2019 Cleveland State University Press Nonfiction Book Award selected by Hanif Abdurraqib and will be published in 2021.
Michael Mlekoday is the author of one collection of poems, The Dead Eat Everything (Kent State University Press, 2014). Mlekoday is a PhD candidate at UC Davis, studying plants and minds in American literature. Their work has appeared in Ploughshares, Southern Indiana Review, Washington Square Review, The BreakBeat Poets, and other venues, and has been translated into Polish.
JoAnna Novak is the author of the novel I Must Have You (2017), the book-length poem Noirmania (2018), and the poetry collection Abeyance, North America (2020). Her work has appeared in publications including The Paris Review, The New York Times, The Atlantic, the Washington Post, Guernica, and BOMB. She is a co-founder of the literary journal and chapbook publisher, Tammy.
Alison Palmer’s work appears in FIELD, The Cincinnati Review, Bear Review, River Styx, Cimarron Review, The Los Angeles Review and elsewhere. Her chapbook, The Need for Hiding, is available from Dancing Girl Press (2018). A Pushcart Prize and Best New Poets 2017 nominee, Alison was a finalist for Eyewear Publishing’s Sexton Prize and Sundress Publication’s 2019 Open Reading Period. She received her MFA from Washington University in St. Louis and now writes outside Washington, DC. Visit her website: alisonpalmer.org
Anne Price was born and raised in southern Louisiana. She received her MFA from the University of Maryland, where she was awarded the Stanley Plumly Thesis Award. Her work has been published in The Pinch, Cleaver Magazine, Poet Lore, and SWWIM Every Day. She has received scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.
C. R. Resetarits is a writer and visual artist. She has new writing in Southern Humanities Review, North Dakota Quarterly, and Native Voices: Indigenous American Poetry, Craft and Conversations (Tupelo Press). Her collages have appeared recently in the pages and on the covers of several dozen literary magazines.
CJ Scruton is a non-binary poet living in Milwaukee, where they research ghost stories and are a poetry editor for Cream City Review. Their work has appeared in Puerto del Sol, Salamander, CutBank, and other journals. Find them on Twitter @cj_scruton or at cscruton.com.
Rowan Sharp received the 2019 Bread Loaf Katharine Bakeless Nason Award for Fiction. Her work has appeared in The Literary Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Many Loops, Narratively, and Natural Bridge. Her translations have appeared in several journals and in Pinholes in the Night: Essential Poems from Latin America, from Copper Canyon Press. She works as a copy editor in Port Townsend, Washington and fishes commercially in Alaska.
Claire Sibley’s work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from Ploughshares, DIAGRAM, FIELD, The Journal, Muzzle Magazine, Breakwater Review, and other lovely places. Her poems have been semi-finalisted and finalisted for the 2018 Nightjar Review Poetry Contest and the Peseroff Prize. Her manuscript, What the House Made, was a semi-finalist for the 2018 Pleiades Press Editors Prize, and a finalist for the 2019 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize by Persea books. She holds an M.F.A. from Columbia University and a B.A. from Middlebury College.
Erin Slaughter is editor and co-founder of The Hunger, and the author of I Will Tell This Story to the Sun Until You Remember That You Are the Sun (New Rivers Press, 2019). Her writing has appeared in Black Warrior Review, Cincinnati Review, The Rumpus, Prairie Schooner, Split Lip Magazine, and elsewhere. Originally from north Texas, she is pursuing a PhD in Creative Writing at Florida State University. You can find her online at erin-slaughter.com.
Kate Stoltzfus is a writer and Midwest transplant living in Washington, D.C. Her work has appeared in Atticus Review, Education Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, and elsewhere.
Travis Truax grew up in Virginia and Oklahoma and spent most of his twenties working in various national parks out west. A graduate of Southeastern Oklahoma State University, his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Salamander, Quarterly West, Bird’s Thumb, The Pinch, Colorado Review and Phoebe. He lives in Bozeman, Montana.
Michael Wasson is the author of Swallowed Light (Copper Canyon Press, 2021) and This American Ghost (YesYes Books, 2017). A 2019 Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellow and 2018 NACF National Artist Fellow in Literature, he is from the Nez Perce Reservation in Idaho.
Connor Yeck‘s poetry can be found in Best New Poets, Prairie Schooner, Passages North, The Denver Quarterly, Carolina Quarterly, and The Gettysburg Review. The recipient of prizes from Sonora Review, Crab Orchard Review, and the Tennessee Williams / New Orleans Literary Festival, he holds an MFA from Western Michigan University, where he also edited for Third Coast and New Issues Poetry and Prose. Currently, he’s a doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati.