Jane Doe

The Robot Scientist’s Daughter [one of us]

There was something wrong with her; that much was clear.

She ran around in circles, meowing or mooing,

the yellowjackets a cloud in the sun. Men in black suits

hovered in doorways, dodging shadows;

a safe kept locked at all times in her house.

The basement glowed and ticked, and the children

there emerged damaged. The furniture was cracked

and pasted back together – even the flowers

in their blooms knew soon they would be plowed under,

left as rubble. What chance did she have, even then,

did she know how her future was already written,

her roots stunted and sick like those dogwoods

with their grafted limbs? Someone kept stealing

their dogs, cars arrived in the night and disappeared again

before morning. Even though their strawberries

were so sweet, even though their daffodils nodded

cheerfully to us, we could see: she would never be one of us.

Jane Doe ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eleifend est ac augue fermentum non vestibulum urna pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur porta lorem pulvinar eros viverra placerat. Aenean et nisi at velit interdum sollicitudin eget et metus. Vivamus bibendum orci et augue euismod porttitor ut sit amet arcu. Pellentesque suscipit gravida purus et lacinia.