Please Be AdvisedAlex Streiff

Little GirlMiriam Gershow

The Half-Life of Tedium: A LectureMichael Griffith

Live Without ElvisJohn Brantingham

Something Like a Broken ArmBrett Griffiths

Heart of JoyJohn Repp

CultivationJennifer Johnson

IntimationSandra Kohler

OuttakesSandra Kohler

LitterClint McQuerry

EscutaTalvikki Ansel

Proposed Self-Elegy with TorqueAlex Streiff

Who Are the DeadAlex Streiff

the degree of movement necessary to birth flameCarol Ciavonne

Kore 2Carol Ciavonne

Even This is an AdvertisementDavid Thoreen

A Tour of the PremisesDavid Thoreen

Mood Sonnet #20Judith Taylor

SlimMary Biddinger

A Map is a Series of UpheavalsMary Ann Samyn