Brian Clifton


after TLC

I creep
down low

Belly against
the ground

My man
down low

In the ground

My belly
the ground

Against his belly

My body
to dig in

My mess

So I creep
what I do

With my body

Is open
belly against
the ground

My man
digs in

With my body

In the ground

My mess

His belly
against mine

I mess around

My man

What I do

In the ground

Belly against
belly I open

Down low

Let my man

Love my body

In the ground
my man

Belly against
the ground

I creep
on my belly

What I do
to dig in

My belly
is open
the ground

My man
in the ground

What I do
is dig in

I mess

My body
down low
I creep

My man
down low

What I do

In the ground

Is open
with my

My mess
down low
and open

Brian Clifton co-edits Bear Review. His work can be found in: Pleiades, Guernica, Barrow Street, Bennington Review, Prairie Schooner, and other such magazines.