Kamden Hilliard

July, 2010

the whtgirl who i sat thru July’s sordid lapdance didn’t kno what breath held blue would do. a convincing argument, surely, tho sore with the threat of death / a 1 way trip to firmament. Hercules, Disney kine, turns frm the G-ds 4 love. i waded frm the summer’s pretend-game-magic, i insisted, 2 all contrary evidence, [& omg was there contrary evidence] tht PBS’s Cyberchase was, in fact, cooler than Nick’s Spongebob Squarepants. a 1strate bummer summer. my first [& most optimistic] Bell Jar, b4 i caught Plath’s nazi-nigger-shit; twas, 4 me, as well, a queer, sultry electrocuted & I didn’t kno what I was doing. the more i’ve read the easier it seem 2 be dead. so i dream & scream amongst thots of waste. anchor of dream. sometimes the money couldn’t getter done: 15$/hr [whtppl-rates], nor the way she said pardon? instead of nigga, what? [a succa punch 2 my soft spotted southern bois]. but like, the lion’s tear of American Cinema is reasons 2 save wht women lol, so i get it. i kno. the ramen is in the pantry. the fridge is numbered. if: all fails,
!200!else naptime.
!100!if :all fails,
!200!else: dream dirtnap.

Kamden Hilliard resists colonization. They got good vibes from The Ucross Foundation, The NFAA, VSC. The Davidson Institute and Callaloo. Kamden prefers Kam, is an editor at Jellyfish Magazine, a reviewer at The Review Review, and a reader for Gigantic Sequins. They made two chapboosk, DISTRESS TOLERANCE (Magic Helicopter Press, 2016) and PERCEIVED DISTANCE FROM IMPACT (Black Lawrence Press, 2017). Find Kam’s work in The Black Warrior Review, Redivider, West Branch and other sunspots. They gots no chill and wonder if you’ve gots some to spare.

  • grace (ge) gilbert