Annie Kantar’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, as well as The Adirondack Review, The American Literary Review, Barrow Street, Birmingham Review, Cincinnati Review, Drunken Boat, Entropy, Literary Imagination, Poetry International, Poet Lore, Rattle, Tikkun, and elsewhere. Her translation from the Hebrew of With This Night, the final collection of poetry that Leah Goldberg published during her lifetime, was published by University of Texas Press (2011), and was shortlisted for the ALTA Translation Prize. She directs the English Program at Shalem College in Jerusalem.
Lea Goldberg was born in Koenigsberg, East Prussia, (today Kaliningrad in Russia), spent her early childhood in Russia, and returned with her family after the 1917 Revolution to their home in Kovno (now Kaunas), Lithuania. She began to publish Hebrew verse while still a schoolgirl. Goldberg attended the University of Kovno, and then Berlin University (where she earned a doctorate in Semitic studies in 1933) and the University of Bonn. In 1935 she settled in Tel Aviv where she became one of Israel's leading intellectuals and poets. She joined the staffs of the newspapers Ha'aretz and Davar and became children books' editor of Sifriyat Po'alim publishing house, as well as as literary consultant to the Habima theater and theater critic for the Al Ha-Mishmar journal. Goldberg was the founder of the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (which she chaired from 1952 until her death). (Bio courtesy of Poetry International).
Lea Goldberg was born in Koenigsberg, East Prussia, (today Kaliningrad in Russia), spent her early childhood in Russia, and returned with her family after the 1917 Revolution to their home in Kovno (now Kaunas), Lithuania. She began to publish Hebrew verse while still a schoolgirl. Goldberg attended the University of Kovno, and then Berlin University (where she earned a doctorate in Semitic studies in 1933) and the University of Bonn. In 1935 she settled in Tel Aviv where she became one of Israel's leading intellectuals and poets. She joined the staffs of the newspapers Ha'aretz and Davar and became children books' editor of Sifriyat Po'alim publishing house, as well as as literary consultant to the Habima theater and theater critic for the Al Ha-Mishmar journal. Goldberg was the founder of the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (which she chaired from 1952 until her death). (Bio courtesy of Poetry International).