37.4 Autumn 2013admin

PolestarCate Lycurgus

Self-Indictment, with ArrhythmiaCate Lycurgus

Asphyxiation: AubadeJohn R. Beardsley

History LessonsKate Crosby

Rust in the Debt of the LivingMarcelo H. Castillo

The GargantuansDaniel Hornsby

Fill the BathtubCraig Reinbold

Cedar Key, JanuaryEric Smith

Iceland’s BrideMeg Thompson

RimeJ.P. Grasser

New Year’s Eve, Key WestAnna Claire Hodge

A City by the Sea (אַ שטאָט ביים ים)Anna Margolin, translation by Maia Evrona

She Struck the Earth with Her SpearAlex Streiff

Personal Ad #4 (Once I Lost Sleep the World Made Sense)Michael Schmeltzer

Slow FadeCaki Wilkinson

This Is the Town Wynona BuiltCaki Wilkinson

TerrariaElisa Karbin

Plague DoctorElisa Karbin

GodheadGreg Wrenn