Jennifer Luebbers


Listen to Jennifer Luebbers read her piece:

Come back, Girl
alter the world so

the city
is not

a moonscape
pitted with bafflement

make it

give it woods and
a pond and a vegetable

where rabbits

sun revise so the man
with the gun is absent

and the gun
is plastic and

the gun is yours and
you are five years old

again and
running barefoot

through the garden
and the woods and

you are
fast as a rabbit

Fast-as-a-Rabbit Girl
and make the gun

pink and
pressed close

as a doll or revise
so you are found

alive now
you’re thirty-

five now it’s not
a gun you hold no

doll but
a daughter

and you must teach
her to run fast from

the man
with the gun

because he will be
back won’t he

and if you
want the Girl

to survive how can
you tell her other-

wise how
can you keep her

from the market where
bodies are pink and skinned

and hang
on hooks


Jennifer Luebbers serves as Editor for Indiana Review at Indiana University, where she is an MFA candidate in creative writing. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Best New Poets 2011, Crab Orchard Review, cream city review, Ninth Letter, and Washington Square Review, among others.